Thursday, 28 May 2015

Weight - Year 4

We are learning to read how many kilograms we weigh.  We learnt that this number is a decimal.  The dot is called "point"...
twenty nine point 0.
What does the 5 mean...thirty two pont 5...the 32 is a whole number and anything right of the point is part of a number ...a deciamal or a fraction.

There are lots of numbers in between whole numbers.  Can you see where 33.5 would be on a number line?

It was fun estimating how heavy thought we were.

A game called Risk... Learning about face value and place value.

Who can make the largest number?
Take a card and decide how much is will be worth - 5...50...or 500
Once you decide on its value, you can't move it! That's a risk!
Take another card...decide how much it is worth 2...or 200?
What is the last card...6.  Put it in the 100's house...600

My number is 652...
You get dealt another card...and can choose to change any card....
The last card is dealt but before you look at it you need to decide which card it will replace....thats a big risk!

What happens when you change the place/value of a number...

What is the largest number you can make?

How many different numbers can you make by changing the place of your 3 digits.

Put your numbers in order from the smallest to the largest number.

What numbers could you create if we added more digits?

Have you played Cyclops? It is a great game for quick recall of addition facts.

You need three people for this game.

The dealer gives each person a card.  They are not allowed to look at it.

The dealer calls out the total of the two cards.

To win the two people with the cards on their heads have to shout out the missing addend.

Addition strategies and cricket Year 5/6 boys

aAddition strategies on PhotoPeach

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Has the cake been cut into quarters? True/False. Prove your thinking.

Look at all the maths in cricket! Year 5/6 boys

How many different ways can you make 10? Can you see our thinking growing? Year 4

=  means to "balance".

Large numbers...well done!

Subtraction equations...great thinking!

How many different ways can you make 100?

Magic 10 - Year 4

How many altogether...look at our thinking.  We are making the magic 10!

We are using what we know to solve larger problems
Strong mathematicians look for patterns and make connections.


We love playing this game.  It is really good for encoraging quick recall of addition and subtraction facts to and from 10.

What a clever name.  

6+ 3 or 6-3....have you got the answer?

We sort out our cards to help make us quicker!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Week 4/5

Hi everyone,
Wow, please view the blog for examples of great mathematical thinking from last week.  The year 5/6 girls have been working towards solving the problem for the "unusual baker".  You can see how they have had to use their knowledge of fractions, number, money and geometry to help make connections.  They are becoming more confident in sharing their thinking using different equipment. 
The Year 4 students have been building on knowledge too. They are using their knowledge of bonds to 10, extending out to bonds to 100 and 1000.
   60+40 = 100                      

Looking at numbers flexibly....looking for bonds to 10 in larger equations-


We have been exploring the meaning of equals.  Thinking of it as a balance where both sides of the equal sign has to be the same. eg


The Year 5/6 boys have been using quick images to look for patterns and groupings which helps calculate the total of objects in a quick, flexible way. Strong mathematians justifying their thinking and understandings in different ways - pictures, repeated addition, skip counting, multiplication - just to name a few!

I'm sure you'll all agree  the students have been working very hard!

Hard work pays off in the end!

Year 5/6, Quick images.

What would you see if the image above was just shown for 3 seconds and then covered up.
How would you record your thinking?

Quick Images