Last Friday we ended up baking. The year 4's helped Teina celebrate his 8th birthday by baking him a chocolate cake. The Y5/6 girls have been exploring fractions and so baking was a practical way of putting their fractional knowledge into practice. We explored the language of weight and capacity, along with equal shares and measures. We had a lot of fun and the cake was delicious!
They Y5/6 boys have had great fun playing dice cricket. There were quite a few scores for them to add up!
This week our positive learning focus is on making mistakes.
Mistakes are valuable. Mistakes grow your brain! It is good to struggle.and make mistakes. I often say to the children if they didn't struggle, they already knew was knowledge. It is the learning that comes out of the mistake that is so valuable. You don't often forget it!! It is good for the children to hear that as adults we are all still learning and making mistakes.
Have a great week everyone and happy restful holidays.