Thursday, 17 April 2014

Choral Counting- Counting and looking for patterns.

Choral counting in 2's.  What patterns can you see?

Countng down is so easy!  You just have to remember the pattern 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0.  Then remember if you are in the 20's, 30's, 40s', 50's...

What was our count today?

Counting in 2's again....I an see lots of 2,4,6,8...

It is easy counting one in 200's.  Just look for the patterns!

Choral counting in 3's...Look for the patterns.  What do you see when you look down the rows...9,39,69,99,129,159...what number do you think will be next?

We countied down in 100's.  Look at the big numbers we can use!

We counted across the row in 3's.  What patterns can you see?

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Position and Orientation-Giving and following instructions and directions Year 4/5

We had to give instructions to our buddy so that they got safely back to the classroom.  We had to use words like forward, backwards, 1/2 turn right, 1/4 turn left, 4 steps north, 1/4 turn east.  The person who was blind folded had to listen and follow the instructions.  It was fun but scary!!

What does a good mathematian do? - Year 4

They will use what they now to help them solve problems.

Start at 60 and count on 6 lots of 10.  That makes 120.
Wini knew that 60 minutes makes 1 hour.
She worked out that 120 was double 60 so...
60 + 60 = 120 = 2 hours

We think that we are good mathematians.

We think that we are great mathematians!

Geometry-Position and Orientation Year 4

Position and Orientation on PhotoPeach

"Risk" - Jack

Great number recognition to 1,000,000 Jack!

Friday, 11 April 2014

"Risk" - 2

Great number recognition Victoria!

Well done on reading numbers to 1,000,000 Brandon!


Summer reads numbers up to 1,000,000.  Wow, well done Summer!

Polly is also very clever!

"Risk", a game to encourage reading numbers and Place Value

What you need

  • Two to four players
  • One pack of cars with all picture cards and 10's removed
The objective:
  • Have the highest number at the end (Year 4's work up to 1,000, Year 5/6 work up to 1,000,000.
  • The maths is reading numbers, ordering numbers and learning place value e.g. In 342, the 3 is worth 300, the 4 is worth 40 and the 2 is worth 2.
  • The "risk" is the element of chance involved...calculated by what cards have been played and what needs to be changed to win.
  • It's the questions that the "adult" dealing for the game asks, and the maths language used by the children, which makes the maths worthwhile, not just the swapping of cards or the winning.
How to play
  • Deal one card to each player.  They choose to put it in the hundreds place, or tens or ones.
  • Deal a second card and choose the place.
  • Deal a third card to the vacant space.  You now have a three digit number.
  • Now deal to the first person again and they must change one card.  Repeat for all players.
  • Repeat this once or twice where the card is seen and cards are changed.
  • Now the "risk" begins. Players have to select which card they will changebefore they see the card.  They may gain or lose points on the turn of the card, Repeat once or twice more.
  • Winner is the highest number.
Questions to ask
  • Read the numbers in order from highest to lowest or v.v
  • Round numbers to the nearest 10/100
  • If we added 10 to each score what would it be?
  • If I put the new card in the hundreds what would you win/lose? in the tens? in the ones?
  • What is the difference between each score?
  • What would you need to get on the next card to take the lead?
  • Estimate answer adding up all the numbers